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Control de la anestesia


ninguna excusa para la aplicación de procedimientos diseñados

defectuosamente cuando está en riesgo una vida humana

» 120



Durante la última década se han desarrollado numerosos dispositi-

vos para el control de las vías respiratorias. Hemos intentado incluir

los más importantes, pero es posible que hayamos omitido alguno

por error. La omisión de cualquier dispositivo no implica que no sea

útil en el tratamiento clínico.Con regularidad aparecen en el mercado

dispositivos nuevos, y los lectores deben investigarlo.

Declaración de interés

El autor ha recibido derechos de autor por las ventas del laringos-

copio Henderson.


Quisiera agradecer las críticas útiles que me han hecho muchos

compañeros. A Michelle McNicol, que trabajó a un alto nivel para

crear dibujos nuevos.


1. Lee LA, Domino KB: The Closed Claims Project.

Has it influenced anesthetic practice and outcome?

Anesthesiol Clin North Am 20:485–501, 2002.

2. Fundingsland BW, Benumof JL: Difficulty using a

laryngeal mask airway in a patient with lingual

tonsilar hyperplasia. Anesthesiology 84:1265–1266,


3. Ovassapian A, Glassenberg R, Randel GI, et al: The

unexpected difficult airway and lingual tonsil

hyperplasia: A case series and a review of the litera-

ture. Anesthesiology 97:124–132, 2002.

4. Hiong YT, Fung CF, Sudhaman DA: Arytenoid



Intensive Care 24:609–610, 1996.

5. Wason R, Gupta P, Gogia AR: Bilateral adductor

vocal cord paresis following endotracheal intuba-

tion for general anesthesia. Anaesth Intensive Care

32:417–418, 2004.

6. American Society of Anesthesiologists: Task Force

on Management of the Difficult Airway: Practice

guidelines for management of the difficult airway.

An updated report by the American Society of Anes-

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7. El-Ganzouri AR, McCarthy RJ, Tuman KJ, et al:

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12. Owen H, Waddell-Smith I: Dental trauma associa-

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13. Randell T: Prediction of difficult intubation. Acta

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14. Ezri T,Weisenberg M,KhazinV,et al: Difficult laryn-

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16. Arai YC, Fukunaga K, Hirota S, Fujimoto S: The

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19. Dixon BJ, Dixon JB, Carden JR, et al: Preoxygena-

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20. Gander S, Frascarolo P, Suter M, et al: Positive end-

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21. Julliac B, Guehl D, Chopin F, et al: Risk factors for

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22. Bourgain JL, Billard V, Cros AM: Pressure support

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23. Mencke T, Echternach M, Kleinschmidt S, et al:

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24. Donati F: Tracheal intubation: Unconsciousness,

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25. Bennett JA, Abrams JT, Van Riper DF, Horrow JC:

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27. Crosby ET. Complete airway obstruction Can J

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28. Pandey CK, Raza M, Ranjan R, et al: Intravenous

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29. Kundra P, Kutralam S, Ravishankar M: Local anaes-

thesia for awake fibreoptic nasotracheal intubation.

Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 44:511–516, 2000.

30. Larson CP Jr: Laryngospasm—the best treatment.

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31. Bein B, Carstensen S, Gleim M, et al: A comparison

of the ProSeal laryngeal mask airway, the laryngeal

tube S and the oesophageal-tracheal Combitube

during routine surgical procedures. Eur J Anaesthe-

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32. Asai T, Brimacombe J: Cuff volume and size selec-

tion with the laryngeal mask. Anaesthesia 55:1179–

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33. McHardy FE, Chung F: Postoperative sore throat:

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54:444–453, 1999.

34. Siddik-Sayyid SM, Aouad MT, Taha SK, et al: A

comparison of sevoflurane-propofol versus sevoflu-

rane or propofol for laryngeal mask airway inser-

tion in adults. Anesth Analg 100:1204–1209, 2005.

35. Hui JK, Critchley LA, Karmakar MK, Lam PK: Co-

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tanyl-propofol. Can J Anaesth 49:508–512, 2002.

36. Joshi S, Sciacca RR, Solanki DR, et al: A prospective

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37. Brimacombe JR: Anatomy.


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38. Reissmann H, Pothmann W, Fullekrug B, et al:

Resistance of laryngeal mask airway and tracheal

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39. Hern JD, Jayaraj SM, Sidhu VS, et al: The laryngeal

mask airway in tonsillectomy: The surgeon’s pers-

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40. Keller C, Brimacombe J, Bittersohl J, et al: Aspira-

tion and the laryngeal mask airway.Three cases and

a review of the literature. Br J Anaesth 93:579–582,


41. Cooper RM: The LMA, laparoscopic surgery and

the obese patient—can vs should. Can J Anaesth

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42. Tanaka A, Isono S, Ishikawa T, Nishino T: Laryngeal

reflex before and after placement of airway inter-

ventions: Endotracheal tube and laryngeal mask

airway. Anesthesiology 102:20–25, 2005.

43. Peterson GN, Domino KB, Caplan RA, et al: Mana-

gement of the difficult airway: A closed claims

analysis. Anesthesiology 103:33–39, 2005.